Dow Janes Review: Is It a Scam or Legit?

Gaining financial independence while having the time to pursue our passion and spend quality time with our loved ones has always been a goal for many individuals. However, it is not as easy as it sounds in a highly competitive society.

With so many people aspiring to have financial freedom, many marketers are also seeing the potential of offering a program that should help them earn money.  To stand out from the competition, marketers pitch gimmicks such as the case of Dow Janes where they primarily aim to help the women+ community in guiding them to manage their finances.

While some of these programs are legitimate, some of them are just selling hopes that may not benefit you at all. So, is Dow Janes a program you can trust, or is it a bust after all? If the program's offering interests you but are a little hesitant, then the review for today will provide you with the necessary information about them and help you determine if they are a good use of your resources or not.

Product Overview: Dow Janes (Million Dollar Year) Program

Dow Janes is a two-part program where they teach you financial literacy and offer you investment through the program. Furthermore, they are primarily offering the program to the women+ community, which includes biological women and cis and trans women, basically anyone who identifies as a woman.

Dow Jane's main method of teaching is through coaching sessions, where they provide step-by-step guidelines on the best financial instruments you can invest in and how you can grow your money with them. And some of the financial instruments they recommend are as follows:

  • Certificate of Deposit - it is basically a time deposit issued by the United States through banks, credit unions, thrift institutions, and financial agencies. They have similarities with a regular savings account with the exception that they have a fixed withdrawal term where you can't cash them out at such times.  But the good news is they have a higher interest rates
  • Bonds - they are a type of US savings bond that safeguards your investment from the immediate impact of inflation rates
  • Dollar-Cost Averaging Investment - it is an investment venture whereby you invest the same amount at a regular interval regardless of the market's condition. It is profitable because it allows you to buy the same amount of investment at a lower price. As a result, it will yield higher returns when the state of the market improves
  • Real Estate Investment - in layman's terms, you purchase real estate and flip it for profits when the market value of the property increases

In addition, the program highlights the following features that should help you bring you closer to your financial goals:

  • Live Millionaire Mindset Setup Workshops
  • Weekly Coaching Sessions
  • Exclusive Access to Online Private Community
  • Financial Training Vault
  • Workbooks, Spreadsheets, and Template Resources
  • Text Message Accountability
  • 12-Step Training Program
  • Zoom Masterclass

Who Are the People Behind Dow Janes?

Dow Janes was established in 2019 and is the brainchild of co-founders Brittany Williams Baker and Lauri-Anne King. Brittany Williams is a Harvard graduate and a seasoned investor and financial advisor. In addition, she is also a contributor to several prominent websites like Yahoo! Finance, Insider, and GoBankingRates, just to name a few.

On the other hand, Lauri-Anne King is also an experienced financial investor with years of helping women with financial literacy since 2016.

How Does Dow Janes Work?

After you become a member of Dow Janes, you will get 12-month access to their program, including workshops, coaching, and suggestions on where to invest. You have to note that Dow Janes is named after Brittany's mother and, coincidentally, the name of the investment group as well, which is Dow Jones. The said investment group is also the top recommendation of Dow Janes in the stock exchange market. 

The financial philosophy of Dow Janes is based on their Wealth Building Roadmap, which includes the following five hierarchical levels:

  • First Level: Spend Less than You Make
  • Second Level: Pay-Off High-Interest Rate Debt 
  • Third Level: Build Up an Emergency Fund
  • Fourth Level: Save for Retirement
  • Fifth Level: Invest

To ensure that you are able to keep up with the five hierarchical levels, they also provide you with actionable plans that include:

  • First Phase: Build a New Financial Foundation - they will help you create goals and develop good financial habits
  • Second Phase: Money Management Systems - Dow Jane's coaches will help you create a detailed plan on how you can reach your goals
  • Third Phase: Your Future and Building Wealth - they will help you know how you can fund your emergency funds and retirement savings. Then, they will provide a guideline for investing in financial instruments

How Much is the Cost of Becoming a Dow Janes Member?

As good as the program may sound, not much can be said for the registration cost of Dow Janes. You can either pay in full, which will cost you $1,998, or an installment plan of $198, which is payable monthly for the next 12 months.

They mention giving your money back within two weeks if you are not satisfied with how the program is progressing. However, the 14-day refund policy is a little short, considering how steep the program is. In any case, they do not have a good reputation when it comes to returning money to their clients.

They also don't have the most responsive and helpful customer support, which will require you a lot of patience when dealing with refunds.

The Pros and Cons of Dow Janes

To help you better determine whether they are indeed a good value for your money, the following are the advantages and disadvantages of Dow Janes that you have to consider:


  • The program was founded by two financial experts with years of experience in the field
  • Coaching and extensive program about investment in financial instruments
  • The program particularly aims to aid the financial guidance to the women+ community
  • A+ rating in the Better Business Bureau


  • Huge number of complaints in the refund process
  • The 14-day refund policy is too short
  • The $1,998 price is too expensive

Final Thoughts

Dow Janes is a good comprehensive program for women who wish to earn reliable income from the financial market. Furthermore, the program was founded and managed by reputable experts and a team of professionals that you can trust to help you achieve financial independence.

Unfortunately, investment in financial instruments is not everybody's cup of tea, especially if you don't have sufficient budget for the initial and recurring cost. Furthermore, the cost of becoming a member of Dow Jane is not budget-friendly as well. The $1,998 asking price is too steep. 

Although they have a $198 installment plan, it is not practical as well because you are pretty much on your own when it comes to deciding what to do with your investment, even though they have coaching sessions. Also, the financial market is risky and not stable. You will soon realize that earning millions in a year is not as easy as it claims to be.

The decision if you should Dow Janes or not depends on whether you have the budget for both the program and the actual investment, and if you are willing to expose yourself to the risk of investing in financial instruments.

James Simons

Written by James Simons

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